For the years of working we managed to define the most popular questions of our visitors and clients. That's why we decided to make this page.
Here you'll find the answer for frequently asked question concerning our products and services.
If you haven't found the answer that you're looking for, feel free to contact us in a way that is convenient for you.
Please give it 12-24 hours for our Support Team to get back to you on the problem.
All modules and themes that we publish, was tested
Will be automatically send to your email after we receive your payment
Can be made through the BCA, Mandiri, or PayPal
Under a Single Site License you are granted a non-exclusive non-transferable permission to use the Modules or Themes on a single domain.
Under a Free License you are granted a non-exclusive non-transferable permission to use the Modules or Themes on any domains without restrictions.
You are authorized to make necessary modification(s) to our Modules and Themes to fit your purposes in accordance with the type of license you acquire.
For details, please read Terms and Conditions.