Frequenlty Asked Questions

For the years of working we managed to define the most popular questions of our visitors and clients. That's why we decided to make this page.
Here you'll find the answer for frequently asked question concerning our products and services.
If you haven't found the answer that you're looking for, feel free to contact us in a way that is convenient for you.
Please give it 12-24 hours for our Support Team to get back to you on the problem.

A module allow you to add an additional functionality/features to your shop, to improve the built-in Prestashop functionality/features, or to improve your customer experiences, such as new means of payment, shipping methods, social network integrations, import-export products, bulk update for your products data, inventory and order management, and many tools for you and your customers.
A theme is the design of your website, and therefore the first thing your customers will see while landing on your shop. The themes on Webindoshop are not just images, but files ready to upload in the folder "themes" of your shop.
After we have successfully processed your payment, you will receive an email with the download link. This may take up to 1 hour to arrive, but usually happens within minutes of placing the order. The email may go into your spam folder, so if it doesn't found in your Inbox please check your Spam folder. If you do not receive an email after this time period, please contact us.
Yes, you will get module/theme update for free, but it's limited for one major version.
If a module/theme had a major updates followed with a major version changes, you might have to purchase a renewal license to get the updated packages.
A major updates to our modules/themes usually happen if Prestashop had a major updates followed with a changes on the Prestashop version numbering.
For example Prestashop v.1.5.x to Prestashop v.1.6.x
This usually happen if there is a lot of changes within Prestashop core files and database, which produce a lot of new features also a new design to improve Prestashop user experiences.
Therefore our module/theme also need a lot of changes, and this will need a lot of efforts.
It's a types of version numbering for our modules and themes.
A major version typically released to indicate there are a lot of changes to its programing code, database structure, design, and intended (compatible) for the new Prestashop version.
A minor version typically released to indicate there are a lot of improvements or there is a new features implemented to the module/theme.
An update version typically released to indicate there are a bug fixes to the module/theme.
Version numbers for our modules and theme consist of three fields (separated with dot) denoting the major version, the minor version, and the update version, respectively. For example, “Module 3.1.1” indicates major version 3 of the module, minor version 1 of module 3, and update version 1 of minor version module 3.1.
An optional fields (contains two digits number) might added as the fourth fields of our version numbering, and it's indicates Prestashop version or indicates its compatibilty. For example, "Module" the last field or the fourth field indicates if this module is (compatible) for Prestashop v.1.6.x.
Since Webindoshop is offering non-tangible irrevocable goods we do not issue refunds once the order is accomplished and the product is sent. As a customer you are responsible for understanding this upon purchasing any item at our site. Please note that our bonuses are not an issue for a refund or chargeback.
In this case please contact us immediately by email, phone or chat.
Yes, please send an email to hargono[at]webindoshop[dot]com.
Please send us your email to hargono[at]webindoshop[dot]com with details of your requirements including your budget.
Then please give it 12-24 hours for our Developer Team to studied all of your requirements.
If there are still many things that we can not understand, we will send you an email to discuss it in details.
If it's clear enough for us, then we will send you a quote and payment terms.
Installation services are not included in the package price.
If you're not familiar with Prestashop module and theme installation, webindoshop offers you an installation services which can be found on our Services category or simply send an email to hargono[at]webindoshop[com] to ask for installation service then we will send you a quote and payment terms.
No, you can not resell the customized module/themes but you may sell it as a project to your client.

  • Tested

    All modules and themes that we publish, was tested

  • Download link

    Will be automatically send to your email after we receive your payment

  • Payment

    Can be made through the BCA, Mandiri, or PayPal


Under a Single Site License you are granted a non-exclusive non-transferable permission to use the Modules or Themes on a single domain.

Under a Free License you are granted a non-exclusive non-transferable permission to use the Modules or Themes on any domains without restrictions.

You are authorized to make necessary modification(s) to our Modules and Themes to fit your purposes in accordance with the type of license you acquire.

For details, please read Terms and Conditions.